Monday, July 8, 2013

Nami's First Surgery - July 10, 2013

Nami is having his first surgery on July 10th.  We have to arrive at Medical City Children's Hospital by 6 am.  We will then meet with the surgeons and sign consent forms.  He will then be prepped for surgery and will be given a gas mask for anesthesia and then start an IV to keep him under throughout surgery.  They will also have tubes down his throat to keep his airways open.  The surgery will start at 7:30 am and will last for approximately two and a half hours.  Brock and I will be in the waiting room until Nami is out of surgery.  After surgery, they will bring him to the recovery room where Brock and I can be with him.  We are allowed to have two other guests in the recovery room with us, excluding siblings.  Everyone else will have to be in the waiting room.  If he recovers quickly then they will move him to his room where guests can visit him.  The nurse told me that the earliest they will send him to his room would be an hour after surgery, (so around 11 am).  After he is in his room, Brock and I will be staying with him overnight.  Nami will have to wear "no no" arm restraints to keep him from putting his hands in his mouth and possibly tearing his sutures.  He will also need to be fed by syringe instead of a bottle.  Our baby boy will have a really rough few nights with all of the changes, but we know that it will only be for a short time.  And before we know it, our sweet baby boy will be smiling again with a different, but still beautiful smile that will make us fall in love all over again.

Pictures of Nami soon to come....

                                                       Example of No No Arm Restraints

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