Thursday, March 19, 2015

Happy TWO Wonderful Years

Dear Nami,

Typically the phrase "time flies by" is what I hear on this day.  Typically, I would agree with this statement and I know I have said that exact phrase on occasion.  BUT if I was to be completely honest with you, "time flies by" is not the phrase that has been ringing in my ear with you.  I can not believe you are turning TWO.  Really, I can not.  It truly feels like you have been around much longer than two years.  It is hard for me to remember what it was like before you were born.  You have painted my world with a giant collage of bright, beautiful colors.  I have literally enjoyed every second of your presence for the past 730 days of your life. 

Your sly grin, as you walk off somewhere with out me, looking back knowing that I will follow you anywhere.  Telling me "NO!" in a very stern voice after I tell you "NO!" in a very stern voice.  Your constant fascination of hair...  Finding a single strand of it in your mouth, wads of my hair in your fist, playing with my hair and "styling" it until I become a portrait of Cousin It.  Caressing MY face, snuggling up so close to me as if you want to just breathe me in.  Wiggling your way to ALWAYS being the one that sits or lays right beside me... and if that does not work, sitting on top of me.  Catching you read books all by yourself in your room.  Watching you play pretend with your fighting airplanes as you make them crash into each other with your "deep scary voice".  Grabbing anything that you think anyone, especially Brycen, might really want and then taking off with it, running and giggling... Then throwing it down RIGHT before you get tackled to the ground.  And then immediately following, you put on your sad face and whimper to me about how Brycen pushed you.  How you call Caden, "Mara" and Mara, "Caden"... Every. Single. Day.  How Caden TRIES to correct you... Every. Single. Day.  Me knowing your secret, that you know which one is which, but me also knowing how much you enjoy pushing Caden's button.  (An example of this:  in an effort to correct you, Caden will point at himself and exclaim, "I'm Caden".  Then he will test you, by asking "Who am I?".  And after a short pause, you usually say, "ummmmm, MARA!!!!!".)  It is always exciting being in that momentum and build up for the never disappointing lesson UN-learned.  :)  Your dramatic "I'm going to die of starvation" tantrums when you can not have just "One Moewha(more) pouch".  How your request of  "one moewha minute" is a never ending request.  And then when I refuse to give you "one moewha minute" for the THIRD request, your surprised devastated face.  The way you react as I kiss you good night and tell you how much I love you... you squirm and whimper "Lay with me".   Your kind heart and how you feel empathy for others when they say "Ouch!".  How you like to "share" your toys with your slightly older brother, then run over to me and cry out that "Brycen took my toy!".  The flapping chicken wing that appears any time you run or dance.  The way you "get ready" before you are about to throw, kick, hit, or shoot a ball.  Watching you "race".  How you like to finish the punch line when you had your second serving of snack, and state "No moewha, no moewha", because you know that is what I am going to say next.  That time you taught me a lesson to never leave water in the tub after your bath....  Otherwise you will start up the old school washer, by throwing every piece of dirty clothing in the tub.  The way you like to show us you have a poopy diaper by sticking your hand in it, then showing us the poop because the smell just ain't doing the trick.  The perfect timing of when you and your brother decide to coordinate your rebellion, while I am rushing to get you to school on time with my hands full, and you and Brycen simultaneously run in opposite directions down the sidewalk so I can not get both of you at the same time, and on some days bringing me to tears.  How I can speak in a loud stern voice and pop your leg for hitting me in the face, and you just rear back and smack me in the face again, and then smile...  and then all I can do is laugh and smh, which completely defeats the purpose.  You begging to walk with me instead of being in the shopping cart, then as I put you down and we make a deal that you will walk beside me, you surprise me by ACTUALLY walking beside me with your hands behind your back.  (Thank you Star Creek Montessori)  The way you yell in a really high pitch voice when you are mad or really excited.  How sensitive of a sleeper you are compared to Brycen, and when I absolutely MUST check on you (because if I don't you may not be there in the morning), you startle and then I have to sleep with you for the rest of the night.  How you can get so into a movie or tv show.  How you tell me, "I'm Scae-uhd" (scared).  You holding onto my legs while I try to walk.  Begging for me to read to you at night instead of daddy.  Giving me kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss after kiss... 

Nami - you make our family a better family.  You make me a better momma.  I love you so very much and can not imagine my life without you.  Your face brightens my day, and your kind spirit softens my heart.  Although there have been moments in your short life when some may have expected me to wish time could go by faster, i.e. your 18 month surgery, there truly has not been a moment when I have wished for that.  I treasure each moment - happy, frustrated, sad, heart clenching, ecstatic, tired, energetic, joyous, disappointed, feeling your pain, and all of the other emotions I have experienced with you.   When I first found out I was pregnant with you, I was nervous that I would not be able to balance my time between four children.  I was struggling to balance time with three.  BUT you have actually shown me that having you as our fourth child not only added more love and laughter in all of our lives, having you has actually made things even more balanced.  Maybe it is because you and Brycen are so close in age, but having you and Brycen be play mates and watching the relationship develop into an amazing friendship has proven to me that without you, our family would be off balance.  Your sweet personality has actually encouraged  me to want to have more children (I know I am at a "One Moewha" max though).  Your personality is so BIG, and I ADORE you.  You will always be my baby.  I love you with all of my big heart!!!!!!  This is truly a Happy TWO Wonderful years of my life.

My arms forever open to you,

Happy Birth DAY!!!!

March 2013

March 19, 2013

April 2013

July 2013

July 2013

July 2013
July 2013

September 2013

March 19, 2014

March 2014

June 2014

June 2014

June 2014
July 4th, 2014

July 2014

July 2014

Lake Charles, LA
Visit Doucet Family
August 2014

Visiting Pawpaw and MeeMaw
Mobile, AL
August 2014 

Disney August 2014

Visitng Harmony
Orange Park, FL
August 2014

Visiting Aunt Jen and Daniel, Splinter and Merlin
Jacksonville, FL
August 2014

St. Augustine, FL
August 2014

St. Augustine Beach, FL
August 2014

Meeting Emo and Emobo
August 2014

September 2014
September 2014

September 2014
September 2014

18 Month Palate Surgery
September 17, 2014

September 17, 2014

Halloween 2014

Nami's Class
November 2014

Pre-Chanukah 2014

Chanukah 2014

Chanukah 2014

December 2014

Mrs. Michelle
Star Creek Montessori
December 2014

December 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Chanukah 2014

Uncle Scott at Brycen's Birthday Dinner January 2015

Old School Washer
January 2015

Playing Sick
January 2015


January 2015

Herd Museum
January 2015

Our Selfie
January 2015

February 2015

February 2015

February 2015

A visit from Cooper
February 2015


Snow Day
March 2015

Snow Day
March 2015

Another Snow Day
March 2015

Cool hair pic
March 2015

Sleeping at Grandma's
March 2015

Playing at Grandma's
March 2015

Celebrating Grandma's Birthday
March 11, 2015

Tucking in Brobee Nite Nite
March 2015

March 2015

March 2015

March 18, 2015
Pre-Birthday Celebration with Daddy's Family
Happy Birthday Dear Nami Mayes Pierce!!!!

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