Saturday, May 3, 2014

A letter to Nami - written on 4/14/14 at 2215

My sweet baby Nami.  There is not a second that goes by where I am not yearning to hold you.  You are THE best cuddler.  Your laughter is so joyful and contagious.  Just hearing it in my head brings a huge smile to my face.  When you giggle, there is always others that follow.  If it's not me or daddy, one of your siblings always cracks up.  Brycen in particular loves to see you laugh.  He will often call after me to make sure I can see that your laughing, and he says "Moooooomma......  Naaaaaami!  hee hee".  It is so sweet how the two of you have bonded so well.  You both share with each other so well, and your faces light up when you see one another.  It absolutely melts my heart.  Whichever one of you wakeup first, you always want to know where the other is.  And once you go into the other's room, you both want to be in the crib together and play around.  You boys just laugh and copy each other and laugh some more.  You both love kissing each other too.  So sweet!  You've also grown very close to your big sister, Mara.  She adores you!  She always asks if she can wake you or hold you because she wants to be close to you, or if she can get you out of your car seat.  She is very protective of you and enjoys pretending you are her baby.  You enjoy giving her kisses and cuddling with her too.  I can't say enough how loved and adored you are by your family.  Sometimes I just stare at your beautiful face and just think how perfect and handsome you are.  How in the world did I create someone this cute?!  You are such a quick learner too.  You have an amazing memory with songs.  There are two songs in particular that you love to hear, Happy and Turn Down For What.  You clap along to the Happy song before I even know which song is on, and you go crazy trying to spin your tables for the TDFW dong.  You also love love love the Froggy Valantines stuffed animal.  You love to sing along and jump around with it.  Your vocabulary may not be very clear but anyone that pays close attention could tell that you have an extensive vocabulary for your age.  It's really impressive.  I love you my baby!  You mean the world to me.  You completely fill my heart with goodness.  Thank you for letting me be your mommy.  The best gift ever!

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